Advertisements, that which are used to market things we may or may not want… but now, television commercials have become a source of entertainment all by themselves, irrespective of whether theproduct/service is interesting to us at all.. and so, that got me thinking, do we relate to ads in the same way that we relate to fellow humans also…
We have the ads that are about the things we have to live with the mobiles and service providers,which are essential for us on a routine basis… kinda like relatives.. dont necessarily have to like them, but not exactly disposable either.. of course, among these we might find some ads that we love, just like some cousins/aunts/uncles etc who are special to us and nice people who happen to be relatives…
and then there are ads, which may not have any relation to what we want, but we still like them and may even adopt the product/service because of this liking.. like friends… of course, the friends hopefully last longer than the particular ad campaign…in general, we most usually like the ads that have a bit of humour in them, or the ones that give an emotional tug, or the ones that remind us of us… i guess we relate to people in a similar kind of way…
yes, i am into marketing and am working a lot these days, work which includes ads… and yes, it would have been still okay if it reflected only in the posts i write, but when, during introductions, when i respond to ‘Hi, i am Xyzee’, with a ‘Hi, I am stressed’, i guess there is a problem somewhere 
until next time, does it all add up??
until next time, does it all add up??
ads…yeah have a storyline of their one. an interesting way of relating to ppl in our lives.
&, am first one here….lol
until next time….i am the opening comment-ator!
I’m back!!
Hehe good point, and what about ads that make you puke but you HAVE to keep watching them, while waiting for the show to come back on?
Hehe good point, and what about ads that make you puke but you HAVE to keep watching them, while waiting for the show to come back on?
I have always loved ads from when I was a kid and the ad world too.
Perhaps, because I was too close to it but not really worked in an ad agengy.
AS for the question, yes, it does add up. I feel so.
Cool analogy there, never thought about it that way
But yeah, makes sense…and we sometimes even hum those audio ads, whether or not we’d buy/use the product ultimately. Very much like people around us.
Good post.
Interesting analogy ..
… and I can see the boundaries of work and pleasure blurring !

So what you’re favourite ad ?
Good one.
But I miss the old stories. Any chance of a trip back there soon?
Reminds me of my class in advertising. We had a lousy prof and we were a bunch of lousy students!
But the paper as such was pretty interesting. Nice field to be working in. Glamorous is the word that’s most associated here.
deez: that you are
stone: u werent gone at all!!
aekta: bad colleagues, so we are waiting for them to leave or for us to get a new job
arunima: me too, am only a poor client
phatichar: yup, airtel!!
ash: keep seeing new and better ones… and nope, its only a minor aberration
gabby: done, this thursday!!
poornima: thats what they say, but seeing my agency work, i guess the glamour is only on the creative side or at the top of the chain…
I am an ex copywriter ( still do consulting work though). and I must say that if you leave the creative bit to the ad agency they will turn up some brilliant stuff. However this rarely happens. The marketing guys almost always interfere with the concept, visuals, script making a mockery of the communication that the creative team would have thoughfully churned up.The good ads that you see are by the ad agency and the bad ones would be a butchered version of a good creative directed by the marketing team. What you see is what you get:))
Just read Manuscrypts as ‘Manustressed’. an ad just struck me..’Kuch lethe kyon nahin’
silverine: very subjective..i have seen good work from agencies and crappy stuff from them… if you look at it from the clients side, its mostly not for the sheer creative display that ads are released, theres a sales/marketing angle to it too, which agencies love to ignore…
madan: ah, wish it were that easy..:)
It is always the sales/marketing angle that we think of when we make creatives. It is after a ‘brief’ from the sales/mktg guys that we create the ad dont we? Yes there are people who do crappy stuff, but then left to their own resources and the ‘brief’ a good ad agency will give you value for money.
I love ads and people with a good sens eof humor any day
silverine: oh, you are so ‘agency’ :p… i have dealt with a lil agency, who used to come up with very good stuff.. now i deal with (i think) the #1 agency around… only 1 work they presented so far can be termed good.. and thats after 4 months!! so i still say its subjective – subject to client, brief, agency, product category, target audience and a million other things…
pallavi: me too!!
I like some ads…bt there r a lotta them, in fact TV i think is for ads exclusivley… shows are just shown b/w them 2 change the mood!
Neway, my fav ad is the one featuring the new indica V2 whr the guy keeps gettin punched! Thts kinda cute! U ad guys are damn creative man! No wonder u get stressed out!
So wat is ur point….
Ads are mad.
Ads make you mad?
Your life is Mad?
You work in Ads?
Work in Ads is Mad?
….I am confused!!!!
mirage: hmm, thats a very popular one… i like the fasttrack ad too.. and correction, i am not in an ad on the other side
nupur: the point was only that maybe we relate to ads the same way we do to people.. still wondering where the madness came from..
Witty comparison!