Frozen in Time

It is as though people have accepted the fact that there are lot of things they have to do, but they have only 24 hours in any given day to do them. and so, as a part of technology’s efforts to do something about it, they brought out a gizmo called media center, a comp system like no other…So you can record your favourite programs while you are out missing it.
if you think thats what any VCR worth its salt used to anyway do, you can also pause live TV, while you attend that all important call.. and after you are through doing it, you can just go back to your comp and resume the telecast of the match you were watching before you were so rudely interrupted.but there are lots of stuff i am wondering about – if the program was so important, you could have switched off your phone or put it on voice mail..okay, so you maintain that lovely balance between your work and home, so you cant afford to do either…
so you miss the match for 10 minutes… now, that stupid friend of yours, whose interest in thematch is equal to yours, calls you after the match is over and tells you the graphic details of the finish, when you are still 10 minutes away from the finish.. wouldnt that be fun?? so the options – soon after that important call, you call up all your friends and inform them that you are watching the match 10 minutes delayed, so they better not call (of course among them, theres also the friend who sends you the suspense of thriller movies by sms)… or you call them up and get them also delayed by 10 minutes… or stop having a social life, so there are no friends who can call you… or pray that Microsoft derives a way where it automatically gets your friends list from messenger and also freezes their telecast simultaneously (and therebyhave them curse you, like they curse the power supply – ” that b****** has got a call again!!), or spend more money and enroll in a course that teaches you time management, or maybe we can increase our office time and see all the stuff we wanted to see in our youth and middle age, after retirement…..
or we can stop trying to fiddle with time .. and maybe try to fathom why some things are best left the way they are..
until next time, wait and watch??

27 thoughts on “Frozen in Time

  1. Lovely one Manu! Me also against this stupid time saving business, we’re all going to become tv and mobile addicts *sigh*

  2. err…am a little confoosed. but ignore me 🙂 made me *roll* with all ‘that’ and only for 10 minutes of missing a match!


  3. cc: exactly my point…

    parna: so imagine the confusion when MS actually has an ad campaign running on all media!! i am still confused on the objective..

  4. only 24….lol! i wish at least sundays had a few hours extra!!

    wait and watch…yeah that cld be a way to extend time!!!!

  5. LOL..nice write up it can be really bugging when people call up just at the most crucial points in a match or a movie…but then i would like to have an option where the days im happy to have a few extra hours and the days im sad a few hours being removed would be a pleasure…can Microsoft come up with a solution :p Hmmm waiting n watching 🙂

  6. deez: what if we pretend on monday that its still sunday? 😀

    anz: stretchable customisable days!! nice thought!! 🙂

  7. lol!!

    Don’t want to extend teh office hours. Others I may somehow survive but please, no extension of office hours. I’ll start a revolt.


  8. Well, I strongly feel 24hrs in a day r too less, there shud be atleast 30hrs.
    This media-center crap is bit too much, even ass-vertisment on TV is tooo bugging!

  9. Oh I knew it!!!
    I knew that the new Foxtel IQ thing that can do all the delayed broadcast stuff is a waste of $$…and you have proved me right!!


  10. Hehe! That was cool! You’re so right man…we’ve become so dependant on gizmos and gadgets… sometimes I doubt who’s the master and who’s the slave!

  11. Yep, agree with u 100%. Some things are to be lived for that moment, not record it, rewind and play back..loses the fun!

  12. mirage: yup, watching out for the rise of the machines

    phatichar: i strongly believe that its against the way its meant to be …

  13. hey doesnt “Tivo” do the same thing?? neway and abt the 24 hours in a day, well so said Murphy “Time expabd with work”, neway, my first appearance at your blog, will ceratinly keep visiting…

    u can visit my space @

  14. maverick: yup, Tivo does the same stuff, but the media center is a comp system..

    pallavi: a sad thing, considering it was supposed to help existence… but it can be still solved, if we resolve (like mirage said) who’s master and who’s slave..

  15. gratisgab: like i said, thats a tough thing to do these days..and welcome back!! 🙂

    austere: lol..couldnt comment on that, not wholeheartedly!!

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