The Story of Storeys

After a little bit of thinking and a small climb, he reached the first storey. he knew all the people there. they asked him what he was upto. he told them to guess. he also told them to come to the next storey in a few days time, and he would get them to have some fun. they were curious enough to come, and he guessed they were having fun, because when he told them he was going to the next storey, and they could visit him in a few days time, they loved the idea.
and so it went on, storey by storey.. on some storeys, he met a new set of people he didnt know. some of them joined him. he also noticed that on some storeys, there were few who dropped out, but he kept climbing. maybe they were tired, he wasnt.
after quite a few storeys, he realised that most of the people who were with him initially, were gone. he had seen some of them saying goodbye, some had just disappeared. he was also quite tired now, because most of the storeys had been made in such a way that there were a lot of twists and turns. he should know, for he had made them.
i think you know what i am talking about. exactly the problem, you have started guessing right. and though you might be having some fun, you are kinda tired of all the storeys. all this twisting and turning can be quite tiresome. there are still lots of stories out there. but for now, lets rest a while, and maybe discuss the view outside.
we’ll still make stories, but not all the while 🙂
until next time, nobody ever gives ME any stories!!

25 thoughts on “The Story of Storeys

  1. wah!!
    *I bow before the stor(e)y-master!!*

    Like I always say Manu – I don’t kow how you do it…. but its just too good!!

    Be sure I’ll be around at the next stor(e)y!! 😉

  2. “.. discuss the view outside”……well,the view from which stor(e)y???
    they are all so amazing, and so intriguing!

  3. The twists were many, so were the turns
    Each one of ’em enjoyed each one fun…
    Some gave us frowns, while others questions,
    Some left us dizzy, some with confusions
    many have dropped out but most still are game,
    Its been a joy ride(climb)all the same :))

  4. Hi Manu, guess Im one of those people who joined you mid-way, but Ive sure enjoyed the climb, and the view from each storey has been fantastic !

  5. Why did some people leave you midway, puzzles me but ot more than when I read your stor(e)ys and wonder how you do it 🙂

  6. sqrl/nt: stories per se 🙂

    austere: that it can…. it only means that not all posts will be stories 🙂

  7. *smiles* my two week o hiatus n look what i find after comingbak!!!
    something i supposedly introspected about

  8. once upon a time ther was a boy and there was a girl. the boy proposed and th girl said no and they lived happily ever after.


  9. Manu Man you want a tall storey?

    and Arunima thats truly a good story 🙂


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