Moving On

He had been thinking of moving from his current residence for quite some time now. Previously, everytime he had decided that he would move, he had encountered problems – sometimes financial, sometimes an emotional tug of moving away from his regular premises, and sometimes the sheer lethargy that prevents one from moving on… but this time he was sure he had got it all right…
He was a bestselling author, all of two books old, and though he had struggled a bit in his early days, his first book had been such a big hit that it ensured that he would never again have to struggle.. but as is often the case, his first book had taken a lot out of him, emotionally and literally, because like very many authors, his first book had pieces of his own life in it…
He waited a long time to write his second book, and though it never managed to scale the heights of its predecessor, it still sold on his name.. and though the critics said its author would never again write as good a book as the first, it raked in enough moolah for him to enjoy himself and let money take a backseat…
that was a long time ago, and during the initial days after his second book’s success, he had a whale of time for a long time… which was the reason now, that he decided that he had to buy himself a good house in a new locality… because it was time for a third book.. he had no clue what he would be writing, but that didnt bother him much, he was sure he would get an idea soon..
And so he had chosen a plush locality, extremely fashionable, and more importantly that which housed a whole lot of authors.. of course, it wasnt that all important authors lived there, in fact, most of them were like him, writers of one or two books, who now wanted a peaceful locality in which to sit and think of ideas that would help them write a book… exactly the thought that was taking him there… he was sure his next big idea was waiting for him there..
however, what he didnt know was, none of the authors in the locality had published a book, after they had started living there, and the residents of the surrounding areas were now calling the locality by exactly the same name as they had called it earlier, only now they meant it in a different way.. the locality was called ‘Writers Block, ‘ and he was moving into it….
until next time, planning to move?

20 thoughts on “Moving On

  1. wooo….thx for cautioning. de take care to keep clear of that area!! but might go visiting once in a while?? just for a change 🙂

  2. deez (there goes the icecream): yes, unfortunately it is rarely a change by choice 🙂

    sqrl/NT: cool place to be ?? 🙂

  3. yes i run the place and o yes there’s a fee to be paid, its called life and sometimes it overwhelms…

  4. arunima: now thats what i call sweet… btw, i am a lil afraid of ur address, i fear getting tagged..:)

    grinch: are we back?? 🙂

  5. Hahaha…brilliant post! Hey, you write very well yourself…came here from sqrlnt’s blog. Will keep comin’ back for more! And as far as writer’s block goes, well, it doesn’t go very far…it remains there. In me. 🙂

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