Work is Worship??

“Garden City Unguarded!!” screamed the headline, and he couldn’t help but agree. in the past few days, the crime rate in the city was reaching alarming proportions. from common thieves to rapists to murderers , the city had become a haven for miscreants of all sorts… and the public and the media were raising a […]

Alternate Lives

He sat outside the court building, scanning the newspaper, and keeping an eye out for potential clients..” India win series”, the massive headline on the sports page read, but he dismissed it with a contemptuous smile… he was no longer interested… he still remembered the times when cricket was his life, but that was a […]

Dance of Life

‘Cut’, yelled the choreographer, she winced at what she knew was about to come…. an avalanche of abuse and admonition from the choreographer… once upon a time, she was the most dependable of the ‘extra artists’, the one who would not take a step wrong…. she knew she still was getting it right, but things […]