Ignorance and Bliss

i saw an old woman on the steet
and walked on… putting off a helping hand
for another day when we might meet

if by a strange twist of fate

i happened to know that she would be me and i would be her
on another world and another date

would i still ignore her and walk away

blissfully comfortable in my world, and ignorant of hers,
as i was on that day…

until next time, this is only a temporary aberration 🙂

23 thoughts on “Ignorance and Bliss

  1. aqua: hehe.. i can c the stories aint impressing you..lol

    erratica: tried writing a story around it.. gave up, but had to express it in some way 🙂

  2. There IS something different about this post of yours isnt it?
    Oh btw, i’m still blogging… the url’s changed a wee bit… http:warped–mind.blogspot.com

  3. pleo: maybe it is, but somewhere it might affect you …

    pallavi: but not dwelling on it is also not possible 🙂

  4. It’s life sweety. All of us have a part to play. Sometimes, it is enough that we feel for people. Everything starts with a thought and maybe that thought will help us act too

  5. blokes: the veil lifts often, sometimes i dont glance, sometimes i do, and sometimes i go on to write about it….

    hey gratisgab, thanks 🙂

  6. Help me Dude, I think I’m lost….. I was searching for Elvis and somehow ended up in your blog, but you know I’m sure I saw him in a car lot yesterday, which is really strange because the last time I saw him was in the supermarket. No honest really, he was right there in front of me, next to the steaks singing “Love me Tender”. He said to me (his lip was only slightly curled) “Boy, you need to get yourself a San Diego cosmetic surgery doctor ,to fit into those blue suede shoes of yours. But Elvis said in the Ghetto nobody can afford a San Diego plastic surgery doctor. Dude I’m All Shook Up said Elvis. I think I’ll have me another cheeseburger. Then I’m gonna go round and see Michael Jackson and we’re gonna watch a waaaay cool make-over show featuring some Tijuana dentists on the TV in the back of my Hummer. And then he just walked out of the supermarket singing. . . “You give me love and consolation,
    You give me strength to carry on ” Strange day or what? 🙂

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