All this while, there’s been reason and no rhyme
And to the rhymester within, thats been a crime
So he thought, what better way to celebrate a blog birthday
than rhyming about all the guys he’s met on the way….
For all who think he’s better off keeping mum
This is nothing, the verse is yet to come….
Aqua wants us to remember
that we have dreams in December …
Here’s where we get elixir, but sadly, only a drop,
coz as the line goes,’once you start, you can’t stop’
then there’s the apple of newton’s eye
ebony or ivory, wonder which is her favourite dye
The bad man talking calls himself stone,
But his notes to self always have a good tone..
and though this one advertises herself as a ‘solitary cynic’
she is an integral part of the AA clique…
Vanilla writes on chocoalate cake,
dilse bolo, a better combination, could anyone make?
Until a jolt of reality, a potpourri of thoughts she used to fill,
pallavi’s the name, and the blog that rocks is called jilmil…
Unless you have gone totally blind
a million light bulbs should help read the mind…
For those who think eschewing obfuscation wouldn’t do
Harneet has random ruminations too…
Arunima has titled her blog “Silent Eloquence”
and for once, she makes a a lot of sense
Just a workshop?, nope, its not so simple,
coz its owned by none other than the devil…
And when you’re always sanguine,
Celeb(be)rating life has to be in!!
The view from the tower must be supreme,
but then, being rapunzel itself is such a wonderful dream….
This one calls himself no hair brain
and his ruminations are far from insane…
From the oaf to pleo, he has a split personality of sorts
blot of thoughts, thought of blots, he calls it ‘bloughts’…
The Goan Sri Sri, white is one of his favourite hues
but he still calls his blog ‘saltwater blues’.
Finding a vanilla field is easier than i thought
but i hope this stays, and no new beginnings are sought…
The spirituality and the name -blokesablogin
got me confused, thought it was yang, turned out to be yin…
Arvind Iyer is the ‘lean dude with attitude’
hey, its trademarked, unauthorised use could get you sued…
A lot of ideas are forged by the ideasmith
and most of them are the kind you’ll agree with..
Ashweeta has got herself some pages at typepad,
and here, even the PJs aren’t that bad…
The crackpot calls her blog ‘inkspillz’
and though she’s not a goddess now,it certainly sizzlez!!
The chipmonster speaks, but she blogz as coolcat,
but whatever the name, this one’s cool and thats that!!
Whats an erratic soul that can dance?
That folks, is what we call an errantrance
The fish called goonda thinks she’s a fishy fiend,
but after sad-turn kidnapped her, she’s taken a long time to mend….
Austere she is, and a seeker too,
wonder what she seeks, or should it be who??
The Grinch may call it ‘grinchscrumpit’ or ‘my dump pit’,
but the content is as good as any floyd hit…
Nupur writes about what even she doesnt know,
but mate, she does have a template whiter than snow..
Chaotic daze and enthu knights,
gump does have some great insights
Garfy has got herself a diary
and her antics are anything but dreary…
Amidst all the middle east’s troubles
ashi sips coffee and continues her virtual scribbles..
Kraz calls his place wrecktangle
and to every tale, he adds a unique angle…
Pompy’s blog is “off the cuff”
but you wouldnt realise, judging from the stuff
Imagine a blog by satchit haridas,
actually dont, he already has….
Crabbie likes to call it goofiness personified
but pretty soon it could become a classic food guide
one of the best templates you can find – thats “pradeeps’s mindspace”
he posts every bluemoon, and in spite of my taunts, he wont mend his ways!!
Once she used to be a bug, she is now an angel with wings
and from budhhism to winterwear, she can write on a zillion things!!
He’s the blogger who whacks the talk,
but when he gets verse, i go “what the f***”!!
There’s someone who goes by the name of J
she has a warped mind, and thats all she’ll say..:)
Anubhas world has a lot of scribblings
and an attitude, among other things…
And from the days of rediff, i’ve been getting some pearls of wisdom,
She’s not on the list, but she’s as good as they come..
The journey that began on a boring tuesday,
has continued for 2 years, to this day…
for better or verse, this one is for all the bloggers i know
and the ones i dont, but who are still part of the show…
Pretty neat Mister….I’m getting hooked to this haven of yours…
Rock and rhyme!
Hey thank you man! An ode to your blogfriends….its an honour to be part of this A-list of yours.

now where’s the cake ????????????????????????????????????
nice way to remember your friends
congrats on your anniv.
Hey how come I dont get an invite to dropin?? Had to gate… – crash. Good work bro – like this template better.
gratis gab:
though i dont have the gift of the gab,
i still do tend to blab..:)
ideasmith: my pleasure
austere: uh oh
thx patrix
kraz: grr.. u were invited.. check ur blog!! and thx, man..:)
Very smart :))
Btw, I read your post before I read your invitation :->
see, I am here and not for a second but for minutes at length.
What should I say now, I am honoured mate and get it going.
The template is better.
Wishing you all the best!!
Kyaa baat hai I loved the way you worded all the bloggers… Lurveeee it !!!
Bindass bole to !!!
And a happy blogudday to you !!! He he
Hey Manu, thanks for the invite and the compliment :-)) I’m visiting a blog after ages!!!!!! Hope you’re doing well :-))) Keep writing! HUGS … Aekta
somethings wrong. i am not gettin to write my name..anyways Yappy yappy bday to manuscrpyts. guess this is the time when you can safely say somethings which you would not normally mention like ‘have really enjoyed reading you, knowing you these past years..MAN U go on scripting..’ and you have done it in a very special way, esp loved whacky’s.. :).. aqua.
Btw, you need to run the template by Firefox before you can say “done done”.
U made us laugh..u made us cry
U coined V-obey-rai and abhi-shake’s bubbly
congratulations..n keep scrypting with a Y
he he he he…..
Brilliant stuff Manu..brilliant
neat rhyme….and truly of the manuscrypts gerene! and what an honour to be a part of it!! *flying*
a very happy blogbudday!!
looking fwd another 365 days of manu’s(y) scripts!!
Yippeeeeeee… i figured in there! Gee thanks. Can i buy u a drink for that?
And oh yeah, happy bloggieday!!! Now u can get me a drink!
pleo: went calling based on the order in the list… and yes, this is perhaps the only area where i have a problem with the firefox/google family – browsers!! but i guess its pretty okay in mozilla too …
arunima: thx
hey pallavi, thx
aekta: what have u been upto?? was in doubt whether u would receive the mail… glad u came
aqua: lol, yes very safely…
thanks, stone..
hey vanilla, the honour is mine..thx
j: of course u figured… i missed the part after u buying me a drink…:p
hehe… i buy u one… u buy me one! does it get cancelled???
oooh nice! thanks so much for the ditty about my blog in there.. would you mind if I used it? credit will be given of course…
Another thing.. links to the blogs you talking about would help TONS
Thank you Manu, so much!
Honoured to part of this esteemed list and you should know .. yours is one of the most different (in a complimentary way
) blogs ever!
Wishing you a wonderful blogbirthday and many many happy returns of the year!
(my blog birthday was also sometime in late april, must check :-s)
hey manu boy: …. did u really think i’d disappoint my majority stakeholder
2 years huh? ….u really been a blogger longer than me? … its been great knowing you buddy. Shine On!
… love this post btw. and this template rocks … to tell you the truth I hated that black background!
ps: Happy blogniversary..:)
that is soo creative Manu!! So you!!!
Good work and Many happy returns of the day ….
this is just simply fab
u surely have a gift of gab
two years a lot of time
its got more than just reason or rhyme
blog gets better like a wine
get a new blog-creatvie manuz mine
PS: damn cool way to celebrate 2nm anniversary. dont forget the party though;)
honored and there is honor in honoring too;)
Yowza! *Deep Bow* and *applause*
Keep it coming bro!
Much better template matey! I hated that black one!
A very very happy blog b’day to u ? Whatchya doing to celebrate ?
I have loved beng part of your blog experience, its great to read the lovely stories you write, and great to have u as a seasoned reader
Like the new much more cheerful !
n thank u for the honour.
*hugs n kisses* n elixir brings along baloons n horns that make ur ears go deaf for a second.
He starts my day with his wacky blog,
Very ‘ happening’ is his web log
He makes me laugh, He makes make me cry
With his stories warm and comments wry
Witty, humorous, stories tall,
He is the bloggest of them all.
Happy Blogniversary !
And happy anniversary!
chooooo chweeeet n choooo cuteeeeee!!
happy blog budday (belated)
thanx for those luvly lines.
luv ur template too.
Really nice post!
Thanks for the mention. Happy two year Blogging Anniversary, my friend! Been a real pleasure reading ur blog. 
j: nopes, i pass out after the first drink..:)
sqrl/nt: all urs.. btw, the blogs are in the same order as in ‘social icing’ …
coolcat: thank you
SwB: this is why i love changing templates.. i get to hear a lot about the old templates :).. thx for coming..
nupur: thank you
erratica: hehe, that was fun
blokes: there definitely is
NHB: yup, wotang!! btw, pls read the reply to Swb above
ash: love having u around too
elixir: cant hear u with all that noise
pearl: so finally it did open.. that was sweet , thank you
apple: thanks
devil: lol, havent heard the ‘choooo’ in a looong time…thanks
satchit: thank you
Hello there saar…thangyu thangyu for the tribute and Hippy Blog budday to u:)
How bout we celebrate this with some ABSOLUT fun;) *evil grin* me shall be there in a couple of days!!!
BelatedHAPPY BLOG BUDDAY sorry couldnt be here earlier as left the very same day u posted this n didnt quite understand the message :$ nice attempt at rhyming…:)
Hey, just found this post. This has all the ol’ blogging circle, way before there were blogger meets, BlogCamps, own domains and certainly before it was called ‘Social Media’! Brought back a flood of memories. Where have all these people gone?
a few of them are still around.. some have stopped blogging, but can be seen around…

and then there are some who have completely disappeared, impossible to trace because of pseudonyms etc… sometimes, when i look back at these posts, and remember those times, i feel immeasurably sad at having lost touch… they were all wonderful people
thats why my ’site seeing’ page still has their links.. if at some time they come back, they should know that they belong