A was addicted to the object of his attention and A was tired of everyone but him getting to say ‘be my lover’ to it in the latest commercial.. it would have been okay if he had nothing else to worry about… but he was in bollywood, where you were only as good as your last hit. and he had taken more than a dozen films to deliver his first one. it didnt help that he was compared to his dad,whose status was kind of legendary..and even after the first hit, there was no respite, coz he had still not followed it up with another…
it would have been okay if he had been given at least a chance.. but alas, he had to sit and watch not just one, but at least three bollywood stars in the commercial.. one was the current shah of bollywood, whose very name meant success.. the second was another actor, who was also the safe choice of lots of filmmakers, who had recently changed his image and with that, his fortune. also, he had recently left his wife of many years, and was therefore ready to mingle… last, but not the least was a star, who many considered was the only superstar that bollywood ever had.. he was still a force to reckon with, many directors still wrote scripts tailormade for him, as far as A was concerned, his role in the commercial was exactly like his last film – Black!!
For he was A’s dad, and since A’s dad knew about the extent of his addiction, he should have suggested A’s name instead of him, but he had not. A was dismayed, for the products you endorsed spoke about you… and these days, he was not even endorsing one…
just when he thought that all was lost with everyone screaming ‘be my lover, bubbly’, A had a brilliant idea to prove a point to bollywood and everyone concerned…. he went back to the people who gave him his first hit.
and thus, though his character had a funny name and due to the numerologist’s insistence, his lover’s name in the movie was spelt differently from ‘bubbly’, he hoped he could prove a point with ‘bunty aur babli’….
until next time abhi, shake well before use to get really bubbly….
:-)) :-))
i really like the bubly ad … except for the start whr they show women’s naval singing.. that really grosses me out ..
you seem to be huge film buff ..nice associaion ; kaha se kaha le gaye
How is it that you write about all the dudes I love?? A isnt a chocolate hero.. and the sooner he realises it the better.. graduate into Ajay D’s roles and shake off your senior AB mimicry.. and he’ll be just fine..
Loved him in Yuva and Hum Tum… In Dhoom he was beeaaten up by Johnny boy.. btw.. love him too.. have anything to write about him?
AB jr is goooooooooooood.
and the bubbly ad is ugh. is it funny someplace ? then i didnt get it.
hello, ya the bubbly ad is fine but then the start isnt my favourite…Abhishek is a good actor but who ends up with roles that ont suit him but loved his work in Yuva Dhoom was good too…Hope bunty n Babli is good too but the pairing kinda reminds of the pair between jaya n AB senior..they look kinda cute together take care n cya around
Frankly, the bubbly ad pisses me off. For multiple reasons, err a. I hate shah rukh khan coz hez a big unoriginal ham and i have no idea why he is so popular. b. they illegally used sehwag’s voice in the advert c. why the heck is everyone making a big deal out of a damned pepsi bottle man? d. bacchan being represented by a pair of pink lips is freaky and last but not least e. @Sanguine… the lips on the womenz navels freak me out too!!!
But all in all, nice post!
oye bubbly is too good as an ad. though some things singin in it can be be repulsive. do u know that sehwag plannd to sue pepsi over the ad as they used his voice?
havent seen the bubbly ad yet would u believe:o…constant channel surfing when ads come on has its consequences! draaaaaaaat! everyone’s talkin abt it and i dont know what it is:P…although…abhishek bachan is a total hottie:D
stone: :)) back
sanguine: not exactly a total buff, but yes, do like to keep myself updated..
sqrl/nt: nope, nothing on johny boy yet, more interested in his would be better half..hehe.. and yes, most of the time i write when i have a problem with it… so we differ on fave actors, i c
austere: AB junior good… austere?? austere!!
anz: yup, me thinks you guys have enough members to start a fan club..grrr
hey sid, glad that someone else hates all that too..hehe
erratica: yup, did hear about that, but what happened finally??
suz: u ignoramus ..lol.. dont worry, u aint missing anything
Bunty n bubbly? The promos seem nice!

N the bubbly ad has a peppy song but utterly revolting wen seen!
AB Jr. seems to have potential…. esp for comic roles where he doesnt have to talk at all! *mwahahaha* But seriously I think hes better than his dad, who is like taking anything that comes his way!
oi, nice post!
anon: hate the clan all together, huh??
hey j, howdy??
Okie anon was me… I keep forgetting to leave paw-prints behind!
N no…. I dont hate the entire clan… I just think AB Sr. is gettin a lil too carried away advertising for whatever comes his way n I saw an episode of Coffee wid Karan Johar… or wadeva n AB Jr. came across as way more witty and smart…. n hes good at playing roles that dont require him to say anything!
aiyoh people are posting bout bubbly ad? hmm!
How u been manuscypts?
garfy: i guess his time will come too
cynic: i’ve been good… and people are sarcastically posting abt the bubbly ad
Bubbly ad looks good when India is winning..and is awefully bad when we r losing ….
i must have seen that bubbly ad so many times since it is so many times that its aired on almost every channel but i never saw that navel sing. today i go home and watch carefully.
and whats with this page? whenever i visit(which has become like once in three weeks :() somethings will have changed. but i love what u have done here with the pictures. great!! and i like abhi..
stone: ah, what a perspective..:)
aqua: hey, same here, i saw it only when sanguine pointed it out..
and why are u coming by only once in three weeks.. huh?? huh?? hope u r doing fine…
eh? what happened? new template? looks good though.. less gloomy:)
Nice template, easier on the eyes…
sqrl/nt: glad u liked it.. me thinks so too
gratisgab: so i guess u’ve been on the silent spectator cum statistic mode, huh??
I love the song of the ad but not the ad and will be watching the movie. Hope the movie does good.
waiting to watch the movie.. .and well written … .. gives food for thought aye !!
arunima: u like the song??!!
nice take on the “bubbly” bubble.:-) as if the pepsi advertisment wasn’t bad enough, coca cola had to put in a bad one as well. Indian advertising industry is much better than this I think.