Today he would know whether he would get one. the credit card company’s executive had just called and asked for an appointment… he had been wanting one ever since he had seen sachin showing off his in the ad, while encouraging others to get it… but he couldn’t apply for it then, being busy with his career…and later, just when he thought he would apply for one, he had gotten busy again, with things ranging from work and peer pressure to riots….
not that he needed it desperately, for his influence was huge, but it was helpful when you were going abroad, and was much better than carrying cash… he had applied for the latest card in the market, the one named after the famous island in new york.. it was only appropriate since he would be going there shortly..
he had known that all the applications were just a formality, for once they got to know who he was, they would only be too happy to give him a card…just then, the executive came, but contrary to his expectations they had rejected his application.. he was irate and screamed at the executive , “do you know who i am?”
” yes sir, but theres nothing we can do here. since it was top priority we had sent it to our hq in the US. we had hoped to get you some special benefits, but they have rejected it. i am yet to get the details”, the executive mumbled.
he wondered at the audacity of the company… how could they not give the visa power to the chief minister of a state whose diaspora had significant influence among not only the Indians, but the general populace in the US? where would the US be without us, he thought..
he controlled himself with an effort. he would get a card from the other company, the one that said ‘there are some things money can buy, for everything else, there’s……..” for his situation, it was only apt…but he wouldn’t stop at that.. he decided he would go the US, to the credit card company’s hq and give them a piece of his mind…. the bank, he would deal with, later!!
he called his PA.
“call the US embassy. ask them the status of the gujarat chief minster’s visa application”
until next time, who has the power?
So THATS what the business trip was all about eh?
busy wid work, peer pressure and riots?
hehehe. funny!!! i love ur writings manu
am really curious….forgive me, cos i aint too familiar with credit cards (my measly income maybe) on’es mastercard and the other is…..? American Express???Say soon!!!!*tick tick one…tick tick two…..*
The Sachin one is Visa… then theres manhattan visa… n then theres mastercard …rite?
garfy: absolutely
elixir: and i luv u guys for reading them
rapunzel: that ‘measly income’ line was for the tax guys, huh??.. garfy gave u the answer, i c…
thank ye, garfy
lol…..that was a fun read. good work
oh trust me when i say this manu, the pleasure is all ours!!! *grin*
And for everything else theres…?
That’s such a ‘manuscrypts’ kinda story. i mean that i a nice way
the update on the Amex fiasco with Modi is that many motel and hotel owners in the US have decided to not accept Amex in the futur! Howzat for an end?!
“what wud us do widout us?”…hahaha.
read 2day’s indian express for that.
vanilla: thank ye
elixir: :)))
austere: thank ye
kraz: mastercard …. at least thats what they claim
j: hehe
blokes: *scratching head confusedly* visa ….
evidently u didnt get the other story- visa was denied. further, the hoteliers’ association’s conference had amex as one of their prime sponsors. owing to the debacle, they withdrew their support and now hopefully should lose all patronage from hotels!
devil: missed it.. what was in it??
blokes: totally missed it.. a complicated web we weave…
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