Where credit is due….

Today he would know whether he would get one. the credit card company’s executive had just called and asked for an appointment… he had been wanting one ever since he had seen sachin showing off his in the ad, while encouraging others to get it… but he couldn’t apply for it then, being busy with […]

The Birthday

She knew she had very little time.. his birthday was only a few days away… his birthdays had never been celebrated grandly.. he had never asked for it, and no one had ever felt the need… considering that the only thing he spent money on were books and cassettes,he was never difficult to please if […]

Casting Grouch

She alighted at the station and had her first good look at Mumbai.. the place where her silverscreen dreams would take shape.Although hers was a stereotypical story of a small town girl dreaming of making it big in Bollywood, she was sure that hers would be a success story, because she was sure of her […]

Little Boy Blue

Towards the end of a decade, when the ‘flower power’ generation were swinging towards what the rest of society considered normal, a set of parents were eagerly awaiting the birth of their first baby… the flower power seemed to have rubbed off on the baby, coz in later years, it wished it had been born […]