The son of Oghavan as per Mahabharata Anushasanaparva Chapter 2 verse 38.
Category Archives: O
Made from Aa, Oo and Am. They represent Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma respectively as per Vayupurana. Om means Brahmam. All mantras begin with Om. Because of its special powers, it was not supposed to be spoken or heard by the lower castes. The word contains everything that has happened and will happen as per Mandukopanishad. When the creator realised that the world was immersed in impure water, he split it open and from it emerged Omkara. The first sound that emerged was Bhu, the second Bhuva and last Swaha, and together they became BhurBhuvaSwaha. As per the Chhandogyopanishad, the earth is the summary of all living beings, and water is the summary of earth, water-plants – man, and man’s summary is his speech. The summary of speech is the Rigveda, its summary is the Samaveda and its summary is the Udgidha or Samavedadhwani and that is Om.
Means Brahma as per Agnipurana Chapter 348.
A son born to Chakshushamanu and Nadvala. He had nine brothers -Puru, Shatadyumna, Tapasvi, Satyavak, Kavi, Agnishtu, Athirathra, Sudyumna, Atimanyu. Ooru had six powerful sons with Aatreyi – Anga, Sumanas, Swati, Kratu, Angiras, Gaya. Of them, Anga married Sunidha and their son was Vena. Vena’s son was the famous king Pridhu as per Agnipurana Chapter 18.
The mark worn on the forehead. This should be made of earth from mountains or Shiva temples or snake pits or the soil under the tulsi plant. Depending on the kind of soil, the effects vary. Black provides peace, red is for enticing, yellow gives prosperity and white stands for dharma. The width of the finger using which it is applied also affects the results. Using the thumb provides health, the middle finger gives longevity to life, the ring finger gives food and the little finger gives mukti. The design can also vary. Where it is placed also decides what name of Vishnu should be chanted as per Devibhagavata Ekadashaskanda.
It means saviour as per Agnipurana Chapter 348.
As per Agnipurana Chapter 348, the sound means Shiva.