
Arjuna’s bow. As per Mahabharata Udyogaparva Chapter 98 verse 21, it was made by Brahma.

Its specialty was that it was a weapon that would be sufficient even against a lakh of foes. It could be used against devas and humans. It was long and worshiped by devas and gandharvas as per Mahabharata Virataparva Chapter 43. It could reduce and grow its strength at will as per Mahabharata Udyogaparva Chapter 98 verse 20.

After he built it, Brahma kept it for a thousand years. Then the Prajapati had it, followed by Indra, who used it for 3585 years. Then Chandra used it for five hundred years, following which it reached Varuna. Varuna used it for a hundred years before giving it to Arjuna who used it for 65 years.

Agni decided to consume the Khandava forest and asked for Arjuna’s help. Arjuna promised to cover Agni from Indra’s showers, but he didn’t have the necessary weapons. Agni prayed to Avruna and asked for the Gandiva, the quiver with unlimited arrows, and the chariot with four white horses and the flag with the monkey’s image. Varuna gave them all and Arjuna defeated Indra. See Khandavadaha for details.

As per Mahabharata Karnaparva Chapter 69, Arjuna secretly vowed to behead the person who asked him to give away the Gandiva. He won many wars with the help of the bow. See Arjuna.

After the Kurukshetra war ended, Yudhishtira became king. Later the Yadavas decimated themselves and the Pandavas, having had enough of their earthly life, left the kingdom to Arjuna’s grandson Parikshit and began their mahaprasthana. They reached the sea, and Arjuna still had his weapons. Agni appeared then and said that he had asked for the weapons from Varuna, and since the Pandavas didn’t need it anymore, he wanted them returned. Arjuna threw the weapons into the sea and they continued their journey as per Mahabharata Mahaprasthanikaparva Chapter 1.

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Or Shringi. The sage who cursed that Parikshit would die of snakebite.

Once Parikshit shot at a deer during a hunt and missed. He chased the deer and finally grew tired and thirsty. He looked around and seeing a sage, asked for water. The sage was meditating and did not hear him. The kig thought that the sage was being arrogant, and took a dead snake and hung it around the sage’s neck. The king then went back. Gavijata was the son of this sage. He learned of what happened while he was out with his friends. His friends ridiculed him saying his father was a nagabhushana, but it was a dead snake. He became incensed and cursed that whoever had hung the snake would die of Thakshaka’s bite in 7 days. It was only later that he realised that he had cursed Parikshit. He sent his disciples to inform the king, who responded that it would happen as per destiny, according to Devibhagavata Dwitiyaskanda.

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Gavaksha (2)

The son of Subala, and Shakuni’s younger brother. Along with his brothers, he fought the Pandavas at Kurukshetra, and was killed by Iravan, son of Arjuna, as per Mahabharata Bhishmaparva Chapter 90.

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The father of Sanjaya, who narrated the Kurukshetra war to Dhritarashtra, as per Mahabharata Adiparva Chapter 63 verse 97.

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A vanara warrior, who commanded an army and fought against Ravana as per Mahabharata Vanaparva Chapter 283 verse 3.

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