A kshatriya king. He served Yudhishtira in the palace built by Maya as per Mahabharata Sabhaparva Chapter 4 verse 26.
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Also known as Kautilya. A brilliant person praised across the world for his sharp mind, but the details of whose life is still relatively unknown. He is believed to be a minister of Chandragupta Maurya and key to his becoming emperor. He is the author of the famous Arthashastra, believed to be written around 400 BC. He was also said to be known as Vishnugupta, Dramila, Angula. The Vishnupurana and Vayupurana also have mentions of Chandragupta and Chanakya.
A skill, learning which will allow a person to see objects at the closest level. This was taught by Manu to Soma, Soma – Vishwavasu – Chitraradha – Arjuna as per Mahabharata Adiparva Chapter 139.
The sixth of 14 Manus.
From Swayambhuvamanu were born Uttanapada and Priyavrata. Dhruva was Uttanapada’s son and with Shambhu, he had 2 sons – Shishti, Bhavya. Shishti and Succhaya had 5 blemish-less sons – Ripu, Ripunjaya, Vipra, Vrikala, Vrikatejas. To Ripu and Brihati was born Chakshusha. He married Pushkarani, daughter of Virana Prajapati in varuna’s dynasty, and their son was Manu. He was known as Chakshushamanu. To him and Nadvala, daughter of Vairaja Prajapati, were born 10 glorious sons – Kuru, Puru, Shatadvimna, Tapasvi, Satyavan, Shuchi, Agnishtoma, Athirathra, Sudyumna, Abhimanyu. Puru’s sons with Agneyi were Anga, Sumanas, Khyati, Kratu, Angiras, Shibi. Anga married Sunidha and their son was Vena. Vena was the father of the famous emperor Pridhu as per Vishnupurana Ansh 1, Chapter 13.
The Markandeyapurana has a story on his life before becoming the sixth Manu. His name was Ananda and he was the son of Anamitra. When he was small, a cat carried him away and put him in the cradle of King Vikranta’s child. The cat also took away the king’s child. He grew up in the palace as the prince, but once announced that he was not the king’s son and left the palace to meditate. Finally Brahma appeared before him and blessed that he would be reborn as the sixth Manu.
During his time, the Naranarayanas were born to Dharma. To Atri and his wife Anasuya, Brahma was born as Chandra, Vishnu as Dattatreya and Shiva as Durvasa as per Devibhagavata Chaturskanda.
The son of Subala and Shakuni’s brother. Iravan killed him at Kurukshetra as per Mahabharata Bhishmaparva Chapter 80.
A region in ancient India as per Mahabharata Bhishmaparva Chapter 9 verse 47.
A river in northern India. It is now known as Champa. Shashabindu, a king who ruled north India. He conducted many yajnas and the skin of animals sacrificed in these became a pile and when it rained, a spring emerged from it and it became Charmanvati, the river. She worships Varuna at his court as per Mahabharata Sabhaparva Chapter 9 verse 21. Sahadeva once defeated Jambhakas’s son on the banks of the river as per Mahabharata Sabhaparva Chapter 31 verse 7. Bathing here gives one the benefits of the Agnishtoma yajna as per Mahabharata Vanaparva Chapter 82 verse 54. This is one of the rivers among the hetubhutas for the origin of Agni as per Mahabharata Vanaparva Chapter 222 verse 23.
Lakshmi. Surya had a son named Revanta, who was handsome. He once rode to Vaikuntha to see Vishnu, on Uchaishravas, Indra’s horse. Lakshmi couldn’t take her eyes of the horse and didn’t listen to what Vishnu was saying. Vishnu became angry and said that since her eyes were wandering and lusting, she would be named Rama and Chala too henceforth. He also cursed that she would be born as a horse in bhumiloka. She was born such on the banks of the Saraswati and after giving birth to Vishnu’s child regained her earlier state. This child was the founder of the Hehaya dynasty – Ekavira.
The author of Charakasamhita.
Chamba (2)
Also known as Chambapuri, situated on the banks of the Ganga. Lomapada lived here in the Tretayuga as per Mahabharata Vanaparva Chapter 113 verse 15. In Dwaparayuga, it was ruled by Atiratha, and he was childless. He found Karna on the riverbank and Chamba was later ruled by Karna as per Mahabharata Shantiparva Chapter 5 verse 7.