An emperor who ruled from Kanchipuram and gave the kingdom its name. Once he set out to Vaikuntha to see Vishnu, and there worshiped him with flowers and jewels. While he was busy with that, a brahmin from his kingdom Vishnudasa arrived there with water and holy basil. When the brahmin began his prayers with them, Chola’s prayers were overshadowed. Chola accused the brahmin of knowing nothing of Vishnu worship and a verbal duel ensued. They decided to see who would attain salvation first.
The king came back and began a vaishnavasatra with Mulgala as his priest – one as powerful as Brahma’s in Gaya. The brahmin continued his devotion as usual. Once he made some rice for his ritual, but it was stolen. This happened for seven days and he went hungry. The next day, he decided to find out who was stealing it and waited in the shadows. He saw that it was a famished chandala, whom he felt pity for, and offered ghee. But the chandala was frightened on seeing him and fainted. The brahmin began to tend him and the chandala at once transformed into Vishnu and the brahmin was taken to Vaikuntha. On hearing of this, Chola told Mulgala that all their efforts had been wasted, entrusted his kingdom to his nephew and after praying to Vishnu jumped into the sacrificial fire. Mulgala was angry and cut off his knot of hair. Vishnu appeared in the fire and took Chola to Vaikuntha as per Padmapurana Chapters 110,111.