An ancient sage who prays to Indra at his court as per Mahabharata Sabhaparva Chapter 7 verse 11.
Monthly Archives: February 2012
A king who was present at Yudhishtira’s rajasuya as per Mahabharata Sabhaparva Chapter 34 verse 12.
The son of the sage Shamika. Shamika’s other son Shringi was the one who cursed Parikshit to die of a snakebite. Shamika sent Gauramukha to warn Parikshit of the curse as per Mahabharata Adiparva Chapter 42 verse 14-22.
A rajarishi who serves Yama in his court as per Mahabharata Sabhaparva Chapter 8 verse 21.
A mountain in Kushadweepa as per Mahabharata Bhishmaparva Chapter 12 verse 4.
The son born to Shuka (son of Vyasa) and Pivari. Their other sons were Krishna, Bhuri, Devashruta and they also had a daughter named Kirti as per Devibhagavata Prathamaskanda.
Gautami (4)
A river mentioned in Mahabharata Anushasanaparva Chapter 165 verse 71.
Gautami (3)
A brahmin woman. To see the story of her son being bitten by a snake, see Arjunaka.
Gautami (2)
Another name for Jatila, who belonged to the same community as Gautama.
Gautami (1)
Another name for Kripi, Drona’s wife.