Gaya (2)

A king in ancient India. He was a rajarishi and the son of Amurtharayas. He conducted many yajnas. In Mahabharata Vanaparva Chapter 95 verse 18, one of these yajnas has been described. Gaya shone in Yama’s court as per Mahabharata Sabhaparva Chapter 8 verse 18. He visited all the holy places in India and earned much prestige and wealth as per Mahabharata Vanaparva Chapter 94 verses 18-19.

He witnessed the battle between Arjuna and Kripa when the Kauravas tried to capture the cows belonging to the king of Virata, as per Mahabharata Virataparva Chapter 57 verse 9. Krishna met Gaya when he traveling from Dwaraka to Hastinapura as per Mahabharata Udyogaparva Chapter 83 verse 27. Once Mandaata defeated him as per Mahabharata Dronaparva Chapter 62 verse 10. Once Saraswati visited Gaya’s yajna as Vishala. Gaya once gifted land to brahmins as per Mahabharata Shantiparva Chapter 234 verse 25. Gaya was a vegetarian as per Mahabharata Anushasanaparva Chapter 115 verse 59.