
A kshatriya king. Keshidhwaja was his father’s brother’s son. Khandikya and Keshidhwaja were proficient in Karmamarga and spirituality respectively. They wanted to outmatch each other and that resulted in Khandikya losing his kingdom and having to live in the forests with his minister and spiritual advisor as per Bhagavata Navamaskanda and Triteeyaskanda.

Keshidhwaja conducted several yajnas to earn higher spiritual merit, and to break free of karma. Once, during a yajna, a tiger stole the sacrifical cow. He asked the ritwiks what should be done as penance. They sent him to Kushera, who sent him to Bhrigu, who in turn sent him to Shunaka. But he too failed to answer the question, and instead asked him to go to Khandikya. Khandikya prepared to kill Keshidhwaja as soon as he saw him, but Keshidhwaja explained the purpose of his visit and Khandikya told him the rituals to overcome the sin. Keshidhwaja completed the yajna, and then went back to ask Khandikya what gurudakshina he desired. Again Khandikya raised his sword to kill Keshidhwaja, but Keshidhwaja explained the purpose of his visit. Khandikya was repentant, and asked for the secret of getting free of sadness. As per Naradapurana, Keshidhwaja explained to Khandikya the path of salvation.