
Also known as Kahodaka or Khagodara. A disciple of Uddalaka, also his son-in-law. He was the father of the sage Ashtavakra. He was also known as Shwetaketu. He is said to have spoken directly to Saraswati and that was how he became a disciple of Uddalaka. He appeased Uddalaka who finally imparted knowledge to him, and got him married to his daughter Sujata. Sujata became pregnant. Once, when Kahodaka was reciting the vedas, the unborn child said that it had already learned the vedas and that Kahodaka’s reciting had flaws. Kahodaka was angry and cursed that just like the child’s words, its body too would be twisted. As per Mahabharata Vanaparva Chapter 132, Sujata gave birth to a child which 8 twists and eight curves in its body. It was thus called Ashtavakra.

While Sujata was pregnant, her family was living in poverty. She asked Kahodaka to seek alms from the king Janaka. Janaka was busy then with a yajna and could not meet Kahodaka. Kahodaka later entered Janaka’s court and issued a challenge to Vandeena for a debate, in which the loser would be thrown into the ocean. Kahodaka lost and was thrown into the ocean. Ashtavakra later saved him.