Utadhya (1)

A son of Angiras as per Mahabharata Adiparva Chapter 65 verse 5. He advised Maandaata as per Mahabharata Shantiparva Chapter 90. He married Soma’s daughter Bhadra as per Mahabharata Anushasanaparva Chapter 154 verse 12.

Varuna had his eyes on Bhadra and that was when she married Utadhya. Varuna did not like this and once when Utadhya was away, he kidnapped Bhadra and hid her in the ocean. Utadhya searched for her and finally heard the details from Narada. As per Utadhya’s request Narada asked Varuna to return Bhadra but Varuna refused to listen. Utadhya became angry and drank up the ocean and started drying up all the streams and rivers. Varuna became frightened and returned Bhadra. Utadhya forgave Varuna and returned the ocean to him as per Mahabharata Anushasanaparva Chapter 154.