
This asura worked for Kamsa. Once Agha reached Ambadi to kill Krishna. Krishna had just finished a bath in the Kalindi, taken the cows to the meadows, and was busy playing with his friends. The asura watched this from above, and then landed below in the form of a gigantic snake. The snake opened its mouth wide, the surroundings were filled with its odor, but Krishna and his friends were oblivious to it. They walked right into its open mouth, and the snake promptly closed its mouth. One after the other, Krishna’s friends started dying, and he soon understood what was happening. He started increasing his size and soon came out, splitting the snake’s stomach. He also revived his dead friends, and everyone rejoiced. According to Bhagavata Dashamaskanda Chapter 12, Agha was the brother of Bakasura and Poothana.